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Next SlideBaseline Demo - Administrators

Just eye candyYou have arrived to a short slide show, a training tutorial for Help Meister administrators. Most people average 15 minutes to get a solid overview of managing the help records associated with your website, intranet, or online applications.

This tutorial assumes no experience beyond what you already know to manage your website, and that you have completed the User's Tutorial, but you do need to do that (14 minutes long).

This slide show will continue the case study of Metadata Central, the online map library.

To begin, the Metadata Central development team has gathered all the documentation available regarding their application. From the original requirements document to programmer notes, they collect everything that could be part of Metadata Central's User's Manual.

While it is still fresh on everyone's mind, the project team is ready to use Help Meister to assemble what begins as a large pile of jumbled information into a centralized online help system.

Most Help Meister developers begin by laying out the Table of Contents, which may be considered a hierarchical expansion to a site map. Make sure each form has a subsection "Field Definitions" where you gather help for each field on the form.

Then go through each page and form, entering one help record after another into Help Meister, and linking from form fields and help icons on your website (see Add Help slide).

Then go back through your help records, assembling keywords users may find helpful to find help records in an alphebetised listing. This need not be exhaustive -- you will add to this as users tell you what keyword they didn't find the help they sought (and then add that keyword).

Lastly, go to the Reports option to make sure all pages and all form fields (that you intended) were covered by Help Meister help links.

Now you're ready to go through the slides above in the order presented for a hands-on of the Help Meister forms you need to do all that. Click on Pop-Up Help, the next slide along the top, to begin.

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